Author: London Art College

Welcome to our new Cartooning Tutor….

We would like to officially welcome our new cartooning tutor John Byrne! We are delighted that he has joined our team of tutors and we feel that he is going to be warmly welcomed by our students too. We have…

Congratulations to Julie for winning CP award

Our Coloured Pencil tutor Julie Douglas has just won a prestigious Coloured Pencil Award for her artwork ‘Boy on a Swing’ pictured below. We have been lucky enough to blog about the award and the artwork and the college would…

Botanical Illustration Students Artwork on show….

As many of you know who read the blog on a regular basis, I often come across students’ work that really stands out to me, that I feel is blogworthy. Shona’s work shines out as you can see below.  I…

Mural in Soho…Students Wanted!

We have received a request below for students who are interested and live in the London Area and would like to take part in creating a mural in a popular Soho bar. If anyone works on the mural we would…

Pastel Competition

The Pastel 100 Get rewarded for your finest work—enter the  Pastel 100 Competition today. It’s your chance  to win CA SH and PRIZES for your art! Sponsored by The Pastel Journal, America’s leading magazine devoted to pastel artists, and…

Making your own cards for promotion..

The image below depicts a selection of cards created by one of our pet portrait diploma students for her course.  Making your own cards, whether they are hand made, professionally printed or produced on your home computer and printer, is…

New Look to the London Art College Website!

We have a new look to our London Art College Forum which we hope looks an altogether more friendly and exciting place to be! From the feedback we have had from our students, they are really enjoying being able to…

SAA Liberating Lives Competition

Call for Entries The SAA, society for artists, encourages you to create a piece of art that could be exhibited at London’s prestigious Mall Galleries in partnership with healthcare charity Sue Ryder Care. For the second year running the SAA…

Cartoonist Tutor Required

We have a vacancy for a Distance Learning Course tutor for the cartooning Diploma course and to possibly also take over the Sc-fi Fantasy Certificate course. If you are interested please read the information below. ========================================= Our current time course…

Coloured Pencil Student Artwork

William Muldowney is a student who is currently studying on the coloured pencil certificate course and has just completed these pieces of artwork for one of the sets of exercise in the course. We feel that William has captured both…

Pet Portraits Diploma Artwork

I thought I would blog one of my own students work as I did a batch of assessments yesterday and this horse painting in oils I felt was worthy of a blog post. Julie Longdon painted this portrait in oils…

Watercolour Artwork

These are a couple of watercolours that I happened across while viewing the student artwork this week. These are beautiful vibrant watercolours by a student who is currently taking the Painting and Drawing Diploma Course. I hope you enjoy viewing…

Calling All Childrens Illustrators

We have had a lovely email from Louise Barrett on behalf of Alligator books and she is looking for an illustrator to design and produce artwork for a range of books they are producing. Louise’s contact details are below and…

Childrens Illustration Coursework

Jac Holmes has recently completed the Children’s Illustration course and we are delighted to show some of her work here. Jac has created two pieces of artwork, the first is called ‘Tin Ship’ and the second is called ‘Seb under…

Young Artists Coursework

We have had a wonderful piece sent in by one of our Young Artists who has just completed the Young Artists One course and passed with flying colours! This is one of the young students pieces, a pattern from the…

Unveiling our new Coloured Pencil Tutor!

We are delighted to unveil our new coloured pencil tutor – Julie Douglas. We are pleased that she is joining our team of tutors and we know that she will settle in well. Julie has a vast experience in teaching…

Young Artists Coursework

Hi Everyone, Here is a selection of recent pieces of artwork from a student currently undertaking the Young Artists two course for ages 7 and above. This student has created a composition of their toys drawn in coloured pencil, drawn…

Waterstones ‘Picture This,’ competition entires……

We advertised on the blog about a month ago a competition by Waterstones.  Entrants were asked to illustrate a double page spread with full colour sketches of three main characters and two animals from a book written by Julia Donaldson…

Students work and sketching…

Hi Everyone, I get to see a lot of the student artwork that comes into the college and these two have caught my eye this week. Sketching, whether its in pencil, coloured pencil, pen and ink, charcoal etc is all…

Pet Portrait Students Exhibition

Janice Daniels has very kindly sent us a wonderful photo of her at her first exhibition! We are delighted to hear that she is doing well with her artwork and its great to know that she has another exhibition lined…

Art Liberating Lives Exhibition

Art Liberating Lives is an annual art campaign designed to reflect the importance of art as a form of therapy, expression and liberation. Artists of all mediums are invited to submit for the exhibition and selected pieces will be shown…

Pet Portraiture Students Artwork

We have a very talented student called Teresa on the Pet Portraiture Diploma course and this is one of her delicate drawings. This was rendered in pastel on paper and the original is just beautiful. The scan doesn’t do the…

Coloured Pencil Students Artwork…

The following artwork is by Kim Kaszak, a student who has just completed the Coloured Pencil course. Her work is beautiful and the photos taken don’t do the pictures justice. Her work is outstanding and we wish her the best…

Botanical Illustration Student

We are delighted to showcase one of our Botanical Illustration Students artwork. Kamila is midway through the course and as you can see from her botanical watercolour paintings below, her work is exquisite. Kamila has also written a paragraph for…

London Art College Course Tutor Required

Tutor Required for London Art College Distance Learning Course There is a vacancy for a distance Learning Course Tutor for the Coloured Pencil Certificate Course. This is a unique opportunity to work with students from the comfort of your own…

Pastels Certificate Course Artwork

These are two wonderful pieces of work by one of our current pastel students taking Alan Dedmans Pastels Certificate course. If you are taking the pastel certificate course and you would like to be part of our student community online,…

Pet Portraits Competition

Want to win a portrait of your pet?! All you need to do is take a photo of your pet and submit it to Angela Lords Pet Portraits before the end of May with a chance of winning a pencil…

Pet Portrait Diploma Student….

Hi All, The two photos below are promotional photos for Mary Lewis, a current student taking the Pet Portrait Diploma to promote her paintings for her website and also as a record of her exhibition. If you are involved in…


We have had an email from ABA Art in Palma de Mallorca who are looking for a trainee who has a background, or is a student of communication-, graphic-, industrial-, or interior-design. The information about the job is below and…

Calling All Budding Illustrators!

We have been alerted of a new competition by Waterstones and you can read more and enter at the link below. An exerpt about the competition is below. If you enter let us know and we will post your artwork!…

Wildlife Artwork from a student on the Pet Portrait Course

The following paintings have been completed by a student who is currently on the Pet Portrait Course. Although the course mainly deals with pets, students can portray any animal they wish when they are completing the assignments. Students paint and…

Chldrens Illustration Student

We have a student called Lara  Jordan Currently taking the Children’s illustration course. She has already taken her Botanical illustration course and woudl like to pursue a career in art. Lara has written a paragraph below which is accompanied with…

Artwork to cheer you up…

This is a wonderful piece of collage artwork from a student on the Graphic Design course. Its definitely one to cheer you up on a dull morning. The colours are wonderful and it certainly makes me want to eat my…

Anel Mare – Childrens Illlustration Students News!

Anel Mare has been studying on the Children’s Illustration course and has completed the course with Distinctions. She has given the London Art College some very good news in that she is going to have one of her books published…

New Tutor for the Landscape and the Travel Sketchbook Courses

We have a new tutor for the London Art College Landscape and the Travel Sketchbook courses. Alan Dedman who tutors are few of our other courses had taken over from Linda who is retiring.

Coloured Pencil Course Students Showcase

Here are a few pieces of work by student Bill Muldowney who has very kindly allowed us to show them on our Colleges News Blog. Bill is currently undertaking the Coloured Pencil certificate course by Melanie Phillips and is progressing…

Open Art Invitation

This is an email the collage has received for an Open Art Invitation to all of the London Art College Students. If anyone gets involved we would love to hear from you! =========================================================================== Open Art Invitation We are inviting artists…

Cartooning Diploma Student

We are pleased to announce a new feature on the London Art College blog news and that’s guest blogs by our students. We hope to have more over the coming months and if you would like to be involved please…

Discount at Jacksons Art Supplies!

We have had a newsletter from Jaskcsons art telling us about their special discounts for Daler Rowney Art Supplies. We have received a special discount from Daler-Rowney on their Artists’ Watercolours, FW Inks and all their Paper Pads and are…

Student Community Forum News

The London Art College forum is doing really well, we now have over 50 students on there which is great considering we have only been up and rnniing for a few months. If you havent joined yet, come and say…

Young Artist Course Work

Here are a couple of pieces of work by a young student on the Young Artists 1 Course. The student is progressing beautifully on the course and as you can see is learning about perspective, three dimensional form and light…

26th Annual Art Cometition

Art Competitions

You may be interested in these couple of online art competitions. Deadlines for online entries are 1 May and 30 April respectively. If anyone enters drop us a line and we will blog your entry! Good Luck!

Success story for one of our students

We have had some wonderful news from one of our students who has completed the pet Portrait Diploma Course, she has been accepted into University to study a BA Hons Degree in Fine Arts.We have added a success story for…

Successful Student on the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course

We are delighted to receive the enclosed photos from Chaitra Channappa, who has received her certificate today for successfully completing the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course tutored by Linda O’Gorman.  Chaitra has told us that she has been exhibiting her…

London Art College Forum

The London Art College forum is doing well, considering we have only been running a week, we have a few new members and some have even posted their work. If you are a London Art college student come and introduce…

Maggie Roberts

We would like to officially welcome our newest tutor Maggie Roberts who is taking over the Children’s Illustration Diploma Course and the Watercolour Gouache Certificate Course. Maggie is a professional children’s illustrator and works mainly in Watercolour. Maggie has taught…

New Look for a New Year!

New design for 2009 We have a new look website for 2009. We hope that you will find the changes we have made helpful to students and users alike. We have added a selection of new student work to some…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We would like to wish all of our students a very Happy New Year. We hope that 2009 brings you much success in your artwork and ventures. From the London Art College Team.

Art For England

The London Art College were lucky to have a wonderful review in the Art For England Magazine. A copy of which is below.

Welcome to the London Art College News Blog

Welcome to the London Art College News and Media Blog. My name is Melanie Phillips and I am a tutor and webmaster for the London Art College. Along with Alison, the course administrator, we will hopefully blog news, competitions, new…