We have a vacancy for a Painting and Drawing Distance Learning Course tutor for the Beginners’ Drawing (B1), Beginners’ Painting (B2) and Drawing and Painting Diploma (D1) courses. If you are interested please read the information below. ================================================= We have…
Blog post by Julie Mulholland who is currently studying Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course with Maggy Roberts I was thrilled with the comments Maggy made about my work and also for asking for it to be used on the website. I…
We have received this email and thought it would be of interest to our students. My name is Sarah and I’m a committee member of the Children’s Book Circle. The CBC www.childrensbookcircle.org.uk are a voluntary group who put on events based on raising awareness of the…
We have recieved a wonderful email from a studnet who recently received her Diploma for sucessfully compleating the Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma course. Gay entered into an Australian competition and has won a prize for her illustrations and she has…
Diploma Special Offer for a limited time only. All diplomas are now £295 for UK students and £320 for all overseas students. The special offer is for web orders only and will only be available for a limited time. Order your course…
Enter the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundations Anual Art Competition and help save wildlife too. Please visit their website for more details – David Shepherd wildlife competition
The London Art College competition entries can now be viewed online at the link below. We were thrilled with the amount of entreis, over 70 students entered this year and it will be a tough decision for tutors to choose…
Experience the next best thing to drawing from life, online!! With a website that provides a 360°visual reference for figurative drawing. Giving artists an alternative solution to uninstructed life drawing sessions. Why not give them a visit here and experiance…
This is a wonderful article written by two of our London Art College overseas students who met up in Sri Lanka. Read the article and view the wonderful photos below. Inspiring! If you have met up with another student from the college, please…
London Art College Art Competition 2011 ONLY 1 WEEK LEFT! Enter Today! The London Art College are holding a general art competition for all of their current students for 2011. Students can submit any drawing or painting they have completed….
‘Time After Time’ – A Book Cover Design For A Science Fiction Novel Written by Deepthi – Graphic Design Student. This assignment was what is known as an ‘open brief’. Apart from the book’s title and the author’s name, the…
This is an email we have been sent and have posted here just in case any of our students are interested in entering. Good luck and let us know how you get on! =========================================================== Children’s Book Rally with fantastic prize We are…
We have received a lovely write up from one of our students who has painted in oils for the first time, while working on the Drawing and Painting Diploma (D1). We hope that you find it inspiring and we would like to…
A writer’s experience of being illustrated by Janet Foxley Janet’s Website >> Facebook >> I had written stories for older children (unsuccessfully) for many years, and I also drew and painted a bit, so when I started to have ideas…
We have received a wonderful piece of artwork from a Children’s illustration student that was blogworthy. Laura has written us a piece to go along with the artwork for our students to read. I hope that you find it inspiring! ================================================== For this piece I decided to use simple, loose…
We have recently received this wonderful testimonial from a pet portraits diploma student who passed their course with distinction and thought we would add it to the blog. We have also added it to our website too. Please visit Gabrielles website to see more of her wonderful…
Sharron Blackmore collected her June Atherton award for Best Beginner in Show 2011 at the SAA exhibition yesterday and we are thrilled to be able to post a photo of Sharron here collecting her award. There were over 6000 entries…
A students Story by Nancy Post Hunter……. Artists for many various reasons can be inflicted by self doubt and I am no exception. I think because we use for a large part the non-verbal side of our brain when we…
We have received an email from Birkbeck Hauxwell Publishing to ask if we would help publizise the Annual ‘Agnes Sloan Memorial Prize’ Competition. Good luck to any of our students who enter. ============================================================ ‘Agnes Sloan Memorial Prize’ Competition Below you will find the details of our…
We have recieved this email from www.lessedra.com – any students who enter, email us your artwork and we will display it here also and wish you the best of luck. ===================================================== It is my pleasure to announce our 2nd International Competition…
These lovely pastel drawings show a beautiful understanding of light and the importance of tonal values in every artwork. I am so pleased that this student observed her subject so well, her control of the medium is evident and the…
London International Creative Competition 2011 is accepting entries. We celebrate your creativity however you like to express it. LICC invites all visual artists to submit their creative work for inclusion in the LONDON CREATIVE AWARDS. The artwork is juried by a board…
We have received this email and felt it was appropriate to post on our blog. If any of our students submit please let us know and we will display your artwork here too. ———————————————————– An art exhibition with a difference Capture Cure 2011 is…
New LAC Course – Understanding 20th and 21st Century Art I just completed writing a new LAC course for art history (and other students?) looking at modern and contemporary art – art from the 20th and 21st. century. Compared to…
Bill Muldowney contacted me a few days ago to let me know that he had been short-listed in the Wildlife Artist Of The Year competition and so I asked Bill if he would write a piece of our student news blog. I am thrilled to have had Bill as a…
We have had a lovely email from one of our students letting us know that they won the recent competition we profiled here on the London Art College news blog recently. Louise Broome, who studied the Children’s illustration course, won the Meisha EP Competition. If you would like to visit the…
An opportunity for one of our Children’s Illustration Students…. —————————————————– In summary, my eldest daughter – herself only 12 – has written a series of short rhyming stories ostensibly to entertain her younger sister and cousins. These stories are genuinely entertaining –…
Maggy Roberts contacted me today with this lovely piece of illustration work form one of her students to be added to the blog and gallery. There are so many vibrant colours and strong tones here, this is a superb illustration for children. I hope you…
This study of the chest and halter on a dog is from one of my top performing students currently working on the Pet Portrait Diploma Course. This students skills are superb and the painting below in Acrylics really shows the students skills off well….
These are two wonderful and very advanced drawings from a student who is currently studying with our tutor Nick Beall on the portraiture course. This student really enjoyed working with the hand drawing exercises and did many sketches from life and also took photos…
These sketches are form one of my Pet Portrait Diploma Students and I was so pleased when they came through for me to assess. This is a perfect way to study animals in your sketchbook, looking at the light, shadowing, detail in the eyes,…
Special Offers On Courses… Don’t forget you only have 7 more days to purchase our courses that are currently on offer. Selected Diploma Courses Normally £320 – NOW £275.00 (Overseas Students £290) D1 Drawing & Painting Diploma >> This is our Foundation…
We have been contacted by Scott Free Films Limited to ask if we will help publicise a competition to design a poster for their ‘Life In A Day’ film. It looks quite exciting, have a look at the trailer of…
We have just heard the news below from one of our students. We wish them the best of luck with the SAA Competition! Dana……”I’m chuffed that below painting made it into the SAA 2011 Artist of the Year competition and is…
We have received an email from a lady who is looking for a cartoonist to help her with her new project. Caits details and information is below. If you are the successful applicant please let us know! =============================================================== Hi. I am looking for…
This student has completed the Botanical Illustration course and this is just one of the wonderful pieces they have submitted during the course of their time with us. This is a lovely piece and we wish them the best of luck with…
Here are two versions of a poster created by a student who has just completed the Graphic Design course with Vanessa Weaver. Both posters have a great feel to them, the top one particularly catches the eye with the swirling light. I’m sure that this student will…
This is a very contemporary piece by a student who has been studying the coloured pencil certificate course. This image is very strong, and the colours the student has used to create the dark background are excellent. Its often better to use a variety of dark…
INTERNATIONAL PRINT BIENNALE The 2011 International Print Awards are the centrepiece of the International Print Biennale. The Awards are an open submission opportunity for British and international artists and are open to all artists whose work encounters print. Works in any…
For those of you who follow our student artwork blog regularly, you may have seen this poem illustrated by our young artist students before. It is fascinating to view the different approaches the young artists take when illustrating it and they do come up with some wonderful ideas and designs. The image…
This drawing is from one of my own students who has just completed the pet Portraits Diploma. Here the student has depicted a rabbit and guinea pig interacting together quite comfortably. Adding two animals together in a scene can be tricky, particularly if you are working from separate…
Another still life from a student studying the painting and drawing course, this time the flowers are accompanied by a mug and a vase. This brings new elements into the scene which allows the student to play with the light and shadows and reflective light…
Flowers make for a great subject when painting in watercolour as the medium is perfect for capturing the delicate, translucent petals. This student who is studying the Painting and Drawing Course has worked well with their wet in wet washed and darker tones in the background which help the flowers…
This really caught my eye this week when viewing the students work as I simply love a limited pallet painting. This student is currently studying the Oil Painting course written, illustrated and tutored by Alan Dedman, available from the London Art College as a distance learning course. The sepia and…
This is a very bold piece from a student who has just completed the Botanical Illustration course with the London Art college. This piece really exudes a bright and vivid colour which isn’t easy to achieve in watercolour. Well done to this student for a very successful piece.
While looking at some recent students work this caught my eye, again another coloured pencil drawing, this time of delicate flowers in a tub with a wall behind. It really stood out for me and I can feel a sense of warmth, sunshine and…
This wonderful coloured pencil drawing has been created by a current student on the Coloured Pencil Certificate course tutored by Julie Douglas. Julie is a great tutor, not only teaching this course but also the pastels course too. This student…
This image is from a current student who is studying under Vanessa Weaver our Graphic Design tutor. This student has designed a poster to advertise a Model Car Exhibition, following Vanessas brief. This image certainly catches the eye with the wonderful splash of colour.
Here we have a lovely piece of artwork by a young artist who has just successfully completed the Young Artists Course. The poem was written by Fred Starr and is something that our students can illustrate in their last set of work in…
Meisha are looking for talented artists to design artwork for their brilliant debut EP. Working with new artists in the past resulted in this stunning video from Alec Strang and Dickon Knowles. Meisha feel strongly about working with good people…
We have been alerted to an interesting article, very informative and inspirational for serious illustration students. If any of our students who are taking the Children’s Illustration Diploma course and are thinking of taking the step towards publishing, please read…
This is a piece of work by a young student who is currently taking the portrait course. This drawing is very expressive, the student has captured the look of the model and drawing people pulling faces can really help if you are learning. The wrinkles of…
This piece of artwork caught my eye while looking through the student artwork this week. it has been very well drawn and painted, the wet in wet techniques on the pears themselves is wonderful. Everything is very fresh and I hope this inspire you…
A graphic design student has created a super piece of artwork and has written about it below. The graphic design tutor Vanessa says…” It gives an insight into this students experience of applying a design to the computer. The result is terrific, achieving a bright,…
International Open Art Competition 2011 This contest is ‘open’ to both amateur and professional artists. Deadline for entries 30 April 2011 Entry Fee- £10 to submit up to 5 images. Please read details and rules for the contest for more…
Special Offer for a limited period only: Selected Diploma courses are offered with £45 discount (paying in full). UK Students normally £320 – today £275.00 Overseas students £290 D1 Drawing & Painting Diploma This is our Foundation course covering a wide…
This is an absolutely wonderful watercolour painting from one of our students, the painting is so full of life and vitality. I hope this painting inspires you all to get those watercolours out!
Here is a drawing from one of the students studying the coloured pencil course. This is a very fast and lively drawing of a dog, which focuses in on the eyes – which is where we tend to look first…
Here are three very well designed pieces of art work from a student studying our Graphic Design Diploma. I personally love the textures created behind the second and third images below, this student has excellent drawing skills and good use of colour.
Watercolour Diploma Course New Watercolour Diploma Course, now up and running. Written and illustrated by Jan Nesbitt Watercolour Course Page >> From basics to beyond….. Watercolours are in the news at the moment with the exhibition at the Tate, London,…
I was delighted with the outcome of these two pieces of work from Shirley Carter as they combine a number of aspects of learning from the Art in Graphic Design course. Students have to choose a minimum of one piece of work from…
We blogged about a competition recently where students created and submitted with designs to help raise money for the Sumatran Orangutan Society. The finalist designs are now online at the link below – go and see the fabulous designs for yourself! You can even…
————————————————————————- From time to time we are asked to contact our students by people not connected to the college in any way. We are happy to do this but students should be aware that this does not constitute any sort…
Derwent Logo Competition This is your chance to embellish our logo any way you want. Enter our competition and let your imagination run wild! Illustrate around it, over it, under it, or just simply add bling! All using Derwent products, of course! The…
We are now accepting entries to the Penguin Design Award, Puffin Children’s Prize and Penguin Adult Prize. To submit your entry please go to www.penguindesignentries.co.uk The closing date for the competition is 5pm on Friday 15th April. For full details of the…
The United Kingdom Coloured Pencil Society celebrates its tenth anniversary with a major event from 19th September to 1st October 2011. ‘A Celebration of Creative Art’ will include the 10th UKCPS Open International Exhibition (of pure coloured pencil work) a…
Recipes From The Cookery Book Of The Last Kandyan Dynasty One of our Graphic Design students has been working on a fantastic project to help collate a cookery book from old manuscripts used by the last Royal Dynasty in Sri Lanka. From…
This is a superb study of a tree in coloured pencil, one of our students completed this for their course and Julie Douglas, the coloured pencil tutor, was thrilled with the rendering, the colours and the use of the pencil…
One of my students on the Children’s Drawing Course sent their work in for me to assess and I was thrilled with this still life drawing of perfume spray bottles. Can you see how cleverly this young artist has created…
Maggy, the tutor for the Children book Illustration course, alerted me to this wonderful piece from a student who has illustrated Fiery Fred very successfully. I hope you all like it too!
I’m Jan (Jan Nesbitt) and I’m tutoring the Watercolour Course again and making some hopefully exciting additions and changes in the form of new thinking, new writing with useful information, and exchanging existing examples of my work in the course…
The London Art college have been presented an award by Reflect Magazine. Highlighting the College’s services to education, Reflect have awarded us a Certificate of Recognition for Creative Development and the article can be seen below. If you click on it, it will open in a new…
I am so pleased to be able to add this image to the London Art Colleges blog as this has to be one of my favourite images I have seen for a long time from one of our students. First of…
There are so many fantastic pieces of artwork coming through the college at the moment and this one is now exception. This is an absolutely wonderful life drawing study by one of our students and I think they should be extremely pleased…
What can we say about this apart from a truly superb study of a Cheetah in coloured pencil – terrific!