Category: Student Artwork

These posts show student artwork from our Online Art Courses and the artwork that students produce while working on them. Learning how to paint or draw, graphic design, colour theory, Chinese brush painting, history of art …and more!

Watercolour Course Artwork

This is an absolutely wonderful watercolour painting from one of our students, the painting is so full of life and vitality. I hope this painting inspires you all to get those watercolours out!

Coloured Pencil Dog Drawing

Here is a drawing from one of the students studying the coloured pencil course. This is a very fast and lively drawing of a dog, which focuses in on the eyes – which is where we tend to look first…

Graphic Design Artwork

Here are three very well designed pieces of art work from a student studying our Graphic Design Diploma. I personally love the textures created behind the second and third images below, this student has excellent drawing skills and good use of colour.

Watercolour Diploma Course

Watercolour Diploma Course New Watercolour Diploma Course, now up and running. Written and illustrated by Jan Nesbitt Watercolour Course Page >> From basics to beyond….. Watercolours are in the news at the moment with the exhibition at the Tate, London,…

Graphic Design Students Artwork

I was delighted with the outcome of these two pieces of work from Shirley Carter as they combine a number of aspects of learning from the Art in Graphic Design course. Students have to choose a minimum of one piece of work from…

A Graphic Design Student’s Experiences…

Recipes From The Cookery Book Of The Last Kandyan Dynasty One of our Graphic Design students has been working on a fantastic project to help collate a cookery book  from old manuscripts used by the last Royal Dynasty in Sri Lanka. From…

Children’s Drawing Course

One of my students on the Children’s Drawing Course sent their work in for me to assess and I was thrilled with this still life drawing of perfume spray bottles. Can you see how cleverly this young artist has created…

Children’s Illustration – Fiery Fred

Maggy, the tutor for the Children book Illustration course, alerted me to this wonderful piece from a student who has illustrated Fiery Fred very successfully. I hope you all like it too!

One of my favourites….

I am so pleased to be able to add this image to the London Art Colleges blog as this has to be one of my favourite images I have seen for a long time from one of our students. First of…

Life Drawing Study…..

There are so many fantastic pieces of artwork coming through the college at the moment and this one is now exception. This is an absolutely wonderful life drawing study by one of our students and I think they should be extremely pleased…

Coloured Pencil Cheetah

What can we say about this apart from a truly superb study of a Cheetah in coloured pencil – terrific!

Drawing For Children….

This drawing is from one of our students studying the Drawing for Children courses and the students are often asked to draw their games console or similar. The challenge is so that the young artist can have the opportunity to draw something shiny to…

Bottles and pots……

This is another lovely piece of work from one of our students and the overall colour scheme to this piece really catches your eye – all using blues and yellows. The shapes are very important in this piece along with the strong light and shadows. An excellent pastel piece.

Watercolour Landscape….

This painting has been completed by a watercolour student and they have used their colours well, almost a limited pallet and it really gives a lovely fresh feel to the scene. Their use of watercolour washes are great in the background, I hope…

Scrap Car Drawing…

Often the most interesting things to draw are old, broken, scrap objects. They can prove to be very interesting with their rusty textures, shadows and shapes. This is no exception, a student has drawn an old rusty car and rendered…

Coloured Pencil Portraits

When you study with the London art College on the coloured pencils course, you are able to cover many subjects including portraiture. As you can see this student is currently experimenting with skin tones and facial features.

Landscape in oils….

This has to be one of my favourite pieces I have seen from a student recently. I love the texture the student has created and the wonderful light in the scene. The overall colour scheme is excellent and I hope this inspires everyone who reads this…

Work in Progress and Final Portrait

This student has very cleverly added her work in progress along with her final portrait so that her tutor could view each stage of the process and how she created the image. You can see that the student went on a journey during the painting looking, drawing, changing, observing…

A Cartoonist Students Story

Mark Nolan has very kindly written todays blog post for us, about his story in how he joined the London Art college Cartooning Diploma Course and his journey in working up to creating his first set for John Byrne to assess. I hope you…

Firey Fred

This is a detailed close up of a children’s illustration of Firey Fred. Maggy our course tutor for the course has picked this one out as her favourite this week so well done to this student.

The Teddy Bear Illustration…

This is a wonderful drawing by one of my young students who has copied out the Teddy bear poem by Fred Starr and illustrated it beautifully. I particularly liked the way the artist used the teddy bear and his arms for the ‘T’ Superb!


This surely would give you nightmares……. : )  How wonderful and well drawn! Excellent!

Cartooning Artwork….

This cartoon has stood out for me this week, its a well painted and drawn cartoon and I’m sure that the student who is currently studying our cartooning Diploma will be very successful in his chosen career. Hope you like it!

Children’s Illustration Coursework….

This illustration has caught my eye as it’s filled with movement and intrigue. It realy makes you study the drawing, which has been executed very well. I am looking forward to seeing more from this student in the coming months.

Cartooning Course Artwork…

I’m sure those of you who order coffee while you are out, will find this cartoon from one of our students rather amusing! Excellent computer skills used here.

Children’s Illustration Artwork..

This really caught my eye when looking through the student artwork this week , it made me smile which is great as children’s illustration should give you feeling and emotions from the artwork. This creature looks quite scary but when we see…

Botanical Study…

Here is a lovely study from one of our Botanical students, it is a detail from their artwork. This is a very strong painting and really shows the velvety feel of the petals. We look forward to seeing more from this student.

Diploma Student Gains Distinction….

Another children’s illustration student has gained a distinction on their course! We would like to congratulate Karien on her hard work and dedication through the course and wish her every success as an illustrator. If you would like to read more about Karien please take a look at our…

Turning 40 Cartoon….

This is a submission from a current student who is on the cartooning Diploma course and this is an illustration to depict their design for a 40th birthday card….

Life Drawing…

This is a lovely example of some life drawing sent in by one of our students currently working through the painting and drawing diploma course. If you want to improve your drawing skills then a great way to do this is to attend local…

Distinction for Student…

This illustration is from a student who has just completed the Children’s Book Illustration Diploma and she received a distinction for her wonderful work over the duration of the course. This is a very happy scene below and one that could quite easily be seen…

Botanical Studies…

This is a close up of a study of a Sycamore leaf depicting the wonderful autumnal colours of reds, yellows, and brows with a hint of green. The student who is currently studying the Botanical Illustration Course should be pleased with this…

Flowers in paint….

I saw this on my daily look through the student area and I had to blog this painting. It is from a student who is studying the beginners painting course and I think this student is thoroughly enjoying working with colour. The…

Cartooning Coursework…..

We are having such wonderful work being produced from our cartooning course students at the moment, our tutor John Byrne really seems to be getting the best out of them. As you can see the cartoon below is well rendered…

Botanical Illustration….

This is a close up detail from a full flower painting by a student who is studying the Botanical Illustration course. It is bold and bright and full of light and shade which is great. Creating shadows in watercolour can…

Beginners Painting Course..

I very much like this study which has been painted by a student who is currently working through the Beginners Painting Course. You can clearly see the student is looking at the colours in the scene and trying to work…

Bold Flowers in Pen and Ink….

This very bold study has caught my eye this week and I felt it was worthy of a blog post. Similar to the pen and ink drawing in my previous post, the student has used bold black tones to bring…

Kitchen Items for Still Life

When working on your drawing technique and observational skills, its always good to go for simple items from your kitchen to draw, like this pen and ink drawing below. The student has successfully used cross hatching and tone to show the light and shade…

Lion Graphite Drawing

This portrait really stood out to me when assessing my last batch of students work. Its has been drawn by a student currently working on the pet Portrait Diploma Course and this drawing illustrates the use of a putty eraser…

Graphic Design Student Tutorial….

We have a new tutorial on our Students Own Tutorials section on our website and we would love for you to go and have a look. We have two tutorials there so far by graphic design students and we are…

Horse Portrait…

Welcome to our latest blog post, this time about horse paintings. This horse portrait is from one of our London Art College students who is studying on the Pet Portraits Diploma Course. We felt the portrait was completely blog-worthy and…

Shoes Artwork….

Shoes can be a fantastic subject to draw. There are so many favourites from worn old working boots, to the intricacies of summer sandals. If you haven’t yet tried to draw your own footwear give it a go!

Colourful Artwork….

This piece is so colourful it caught my eye when I was looking through this weeks student submissions. I hope you all like it too!

Portrait artwork…..

This is a stunning portrait by a student who is currently studying the drawing and painting diploma course. Wonderful artwork and truly inspiring.


This is is a fantastic vibrant illustration by a drawing and painting student and from this example of their work looks as though they are going to have a successful career in illustration.

Coloured Pencil Students Work

This drawing was submitted for critique a few weeks ago by a coloured pencil student. I felt it was definitely worthy of  adding to our college news blog and hopefully this student will enter it into our student of the…

Young Artists Course Work….

This is a superb drawing from one of our young artists currently studying on the young artists two course. She has been working on perspective and has illustrated an excellent example of trees receding into the distance.

Firey Fred……

Here is a good example of the children’s book illustration assignment Firey Fred. The student has used their watercolour techniques well and kept the whole scene light and fresh. Don’t you just love the look on the Dragons face!

Still Life in Oils….

One of our tutors forwarded this piece to me for the college news blog and I’m so pleased I am able to show it here. It was created by a student who is currently studying the oils course. To me…

Learn To Draw!

This is one of my favourite learn to draw pieces that I have seen for a while. The student has used a wonderful array of tones to depict these objects, its all about creating a dramatic effect using light and…

Scifi and Fantasty Students Work

These are a fascinating set of illustrations from a student who is currently studying the sci-fi and fantasy course. The illustrations show almost a step by step in how this student used a combination of traditional and digital media to…

Success Stories…Geraldine Boley & Michelle Oke

We have two new student success stories on our website, you might like to have a read of them for inspiration. Michelle Oak, who is currently on the Graphic Design course  scored a fantastic commission to create a logo for…

Poster Designed by Student

This one caught our graphic design tutors eye when she assessed it and so sent it to us to post on the college news blog and also to add in the student gallery. I love the texture of the background…

Graphic Design Artwork

This is a very colourful and well drawn design for the rhyme ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’. The artwork has been very carefully rendered in coloured pencil and with digital work on top for the background and text. All in…

Shoes, Boots and Trainers – Great Subjects!

Shoes, boots and trainers are a fantastic subject to drawn for students of any age. This one has been draw by one of our Young Artists and they has done a superb job here in coloured pencil.

Coloured Pencil Artwork

This is a piece of work that has arrived for assessment from a student studying the coloured pencil certificate course. Our tutor Julie Douglas sent it over for us to put it on the college website gallery and blog. This…

Students Oil Course Work

This is a piece from a student who is currently studying the Oils Course with us and as you can see below in one of this students latest pieces, their  use of colour and texture is magnificent.

Dogs in grass…

This is lovely sunny pastel portrait of two dogs, their favourite toys depicted on a sunny day in their garden. The shadows within this piece are key as it tells the audience what time of day it is, where the…

Snapshot in time…

This is a watercolour of a snapshot in time from a student who is currently undertaking the painting and drawing diploma course. Its always interesting to see a piece like this, its a very candid, personal painting. it makes you…

Pen and Ink work…

This is an excellent example of pen and ink work from a current student on the painting and drawing diploma course. There are many different techniques you can use with pen and ink and you can vary the colours of…

Pet Portrait Artist….

This is one of the most pleasing portraits my students have produced in the last few weeks, its full of warmth and contentment, great composition and the student has capture the texture and coat of the dog well. This is…

Self Portraits….

This student has created a superb self portrait for the painting and drawing diploma course. Its a pastel portrait and the student has used the medium well to create a very sculptural, solid image by paying close attention to the…

Lighthouse in Paint….

This piece of work from a current landscape student really caught my eye. Its a very dynamic painting, lots of movement and texture within the painting strokes and the colours are superb. I think this is definitely a painting that…

Young Artists Student Artwork

This is a new piece of work from one of my own students, she is a young artist currently practising tonal ranges and learning how to create three dimensional form by using various shading techniques. I think you will agree…

Coloured Pencil Student

This is a very unusual piece from a current coloured pencil student and I feel they have really created something special here. I hope you find it inspiring.

Drawing of a Hotel in Coloured Pencil

Here we have a very bight and sunny drawing of a hotel in coloured pencil by a student who is studying the Drawing and Painting Diploma.Buildings can be excellent subjects to depict and perspective, light and shadows will always come…

Coloured Pencil Tree

Trees have to be one of the most difficult subjects to draw and paint and here we have an excellent  example in coloured pencil. This is a great example to other students showing one way of creating textures, three dimensional…

Painting You!

This piece of artwork really caught my eye as the more I looked, the more I noticed within the scene. The painting depicts an artist painting a portrait of a seated man and we are observing what is happening, and…

Graphic Design Student Artwork

This is a piece of artwork from one of our Graphic design students, the colours and textures created here are superb and the overall feel and look of the piece has a lot of impact. I hope it inspires our…

Botanical Illustration Student

This is a beautiful painting in watercolour submitted by one of our students for the Botanical Illustration course. Excellent colour use here.

Pet Portrait Artwork

This painting is from one of my own pet portrait students and I absolutely love this piece. There is a very 2 dimensional feel to the background which gives it a very contemporary feel and with the puppy coming out…

Graphic Design Work

These are two lovely pieces designed by one of our graphic design students. Its great to see traditional mediums being used for the design process and the students use of coloured pencil here is excellent.

Painting and Drawing Student

This drawing caught my eye from the students artwork this week, I love this students use of dark tones and highlights. She has a real eye for good tonal ranges and very strong drawing. A superb still life drawing.

Completed Portraiture Student

This is a piece of wonderful artwork from a recent student Roger Ramsden who passed his portraiture course with flying colours. His use of colour and ink in this drawing is superb and we wish him well with his future…

Andrea’s Exhibition sucess….

Andrea has recently had her first exhibition of her work and she was kind enough take take some photos and write some text about her experiences below. We are thrilled for her and hope this is first of many! Bank…