Student Gwen Mackie has created some excellent brush painting studies which we are pleased to display here on our blog today. Gwen enrolled on the Brush Painting Course as well as the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course and is getting them most out of them both! Gwen has said about some of the image below…
All are painted using Chinese inks on Chinese paper although I have experimented using watercolour paper I feel only the Chinese rice/mulberry papers really give an authentic look feel and indeed experience of Chinese brush painting.
As ever I spend more time practicing the various strokes and testing the water/ink ratio to try to minimise “bleed” and achieve the desired effect. I usually manage to do a completed painting on the second or third attempt.As to inspiration, I will usually trawl through the net and then try to make my own composition / interpretation, using a variety of strokes, papers, and colours, where appropriate. As ever I have enjoyed the unit and find all aspects of the discipline in equal turn, relaxing and compelling.