Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Welcome to the results for this weekends art challenge. Our theme this week was for students to draw or paint a mythical creature of their choice and we posted a few ideas for them on our challenge page. We have received some absolutely incredible results – we are over the moon with them. Our students really have been very creative and put a lot of thought and effort into their artwork, so a huge well done to you all.
We found it very difficult to choose a feature image so this week it is shared by two students, scroll to the bottom of the page to read about the artwork. The fairy is by Lowri Tolman and the gnomes are by Shailaja Rathinavel. Both incredible!
Well done to everyone, give yourselves a big pat on the back as each and every piece here is superb!!!!
We hope that everyone enjoyed this challenge. Stay tuned for a new Weekend Art Challenge posted here tomorrow.
Funny enough – the paper I used was very thin. So on the opposite side there is a picture reflection, well, very similar. And some shadows are also on the next sheet of paper that was laying underneath. And – that’s a dragon if you didn’t guess it yourself. Natalia KozlovskayaMythical creature… A Fairy. In acrylics. Dylan F JeskyeWeekend Challenge, Mythical Creatures. Phoenix and the Flames. Symbol of my home town Tullamore Ireland Becky HarpurRosalind Spilling: coloured pencils. ‘Remember me?… ‘In sepia coloured pencils (skin tones): ‘Girl dreaming ’What a great challenge! I have chosen to draw a pastel ice dragon ! Breathing cold air instead of fire.The creature is happy at last – since before wavelengths were invented it has been searching continuously for a complimentary parallel universe, now it has arrived! Norman TharbyMrs Kayani This is my own design of a magical creature Lindsey ReptonWe must wonder how frost gets on our windows in the winter! The Frost Pixie visits us during the night with brush and frost, but disappearing before we awaken. Frost Pixie, painted in watercolors. Pamela KennedyThis is a very rare species among mythical creatures: Cassiopeia Dilanta lives in the deep sea and is hard to track down. Those who meet her can breathe underwater in their dreams afterwards… Barbara SchunkI am working on Grieg’s March of the trolls piano music at the moment, which made me think about doing trolls – and as trolls often like near bridges to capture and grind people’s bones for porridge, I imagined Boris as a troll trying to extract moneys favours or nefarious trades from people wanting to cross Westminster bridge to the Houses of Parliament; and if the deals weren’t good enough, perhaps he would grind their bones for porridge…… AndiMythical Creature Phoenix – Gimp Sally StudleyMythical creatures – The Wendigo. Wendigos are said to grow with each human they consume and so are never full. Their presence is preceded by a foul stench or unseasonable chill. LJ CollingbourneMythical creatures. I love unicorns Latha Bhaduri PrabakarMy water colour “weekend challenge “ Mythical creature . Bhawna SinhaCsodaszarvas (animal) A central figure in the legends surrounding the origin of the Hungarian people. The name translates to “Miraculous Deer”. Pencil and drawing pen Katalin Zele-KissFor this weekend’s challenge I’ve chosen 2 mythological beliefs in Japanese folklore. The spider/women is Jorogumo. It’s a shapeshifter and is supposedly gains powers at 400 years old. It lures victims into traps. The umbrella is a Kara-Obake it’s believed to like scaring people. Coloured pencils were used. Nina PhillipsMythical creature night reading !!! Digital drawing| Sarah HoganMythical Creature weekend challenge Gouache paints Jackie GrovesRather like the symbolism of the phoenix, especially in these transitional times. Certainly can’t resist something sage. So, here’s a flashy firebird just for fun. What a thesp! Julie SmalleyWhen my daughter was in Kindergarten, she had an imaginary fairy friend that went to school with her everyday. Such precious memories! I played around with this one. Started with a sketch. Added watercolour. Took a pic, imported it into Procreate. Did a couple of edits. Did a floral watercolour to go with the fairies. Created collage. Angela DaweWhen goats fly! 10x14cm, graphite on ivory drawing paper, Dawnmythical creatures, fairy. Promarker and ink. Kerrie MuirMermaid. Pen and pro marker. Ruth Stirtondoes Pink Glitter Girl count as a mythical creature? Audrey QuintonMy 9 year old daughter loves drawing myphical creatures. It’s her last creation Vita PerryTiming couldn’t have been more perfect. I was asked to paint a bookmark for a friend’s daughter who LOVES Unicorns. This is my effort. Debbie DavidgeMy little flower fairy Lowri TolmanGnomes watercolor painting Shailaja Rathinavel
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