“Who likes 1000 knots in her haireedoo?
Coco does … thats who.
This is the hilHAIRious tale of how Coco’s exhausted mom solves the HAIRoble challenge of brushing her daughter’s long, crazy hair.
It’s whimsical & wacky with a positive message for all little girls, who don’t want to brush their curls.”
I wrote this book a couple years ago for my daughter, because her hair always looks like a jungle. I’d already written a book for my son, and now it was her turn.
- When you’re a parent, EVERYTHING is fair!

The rough hand written story sat in a file on the bookshelf for a few years and then another few more years to complete. (actually, let’s not to count years – – Maybe books need time to mature, like a good wine or a fine cheese? )
I needed a break from life & sitting in my studio & illustrating was the perfect solution. Time to finally complete what I’d started.

The first book I’d ever illustrated, I was just twelve years old. In those days the artworks were created traditionally, using predominantly paper, Pencils & paint. These days, I prefer working digital for illustration commissions, because it makes my life so much easier to duplicate, edit colours, sizes & arrange pages neatly in my software. The hair with 1000 knots was created in GIMP. I played with a variety of fun, digital techniques and had a blast doing it.
In 2014 I participated in Maggy Roberts, fantastic children’s book illustration, diploma course. Her course was the kick I needed to finally start my own books. She is very knowledgeable and gave me excellent, useful feedback. You can check out her course here – Illustrating Children’s Books Diploma Course

I have done numerous illustrations for authors and their books, but nothing compares to creating your own. This is my third self published book.
If you are looking to create digital illustrations, but you don’t know where to start. Check out the London Art College, Digital Illustration Diploma course. It was created by the unbelievably talented illustrator, Spencer Hill & is tutored by me.
If you’d like to purchase my new book, you can find it here – The Hair with A 1000 Knots.

Happy illustrating dear Arty’s, keep chasing those big, shiny, beautiful dreams. Everything is possible when you believe you can.
Monique Bailey

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