Portraits in Pencil and Acrylic – Michael Van Der Roost

Michael Van Der Roost from Belgium is currently working towards the portrait certificates with the London Art College tutor Alan Dedman. Michael has created two stunning portraits in pencil and acrylic which you can see below. The preliminary studies from his sketchbook are absolutely beautiful. While being preliminary studies they are almost finished pieces in themselves. The finished painting in acrylic is simply awesome. Michael wrote an introduction piece to Alan Dedman when sending his first set of work to the college for assessment. We have added some snippets below so you can read about Michaels background and experiences.

I hope this course will force me to take the time to go through the basic steps and follow then in a coherence matter. I am looking to get more consistence in my drawings because sometimes I believe that I do quite and other times I feel nothing goes right. I’d like to know how to make joints more natural. I would also like to learn about other materials. In conclusion, I’d like to get constructive critiques while learning some tricks of the trade to help me on my way to make a good portrait.

I have had no special schooling, I have always being drawing whatever to pass the time. Hence for some time now trying to learn from books via Google. I have tried painting mostly in acrylic but maybe some tutelage will help me move forward.

We really hope you enjoy viewing Michael’s Portraits in Pencil and Acrylic. We think it stunning and we’re really looking forward to seeing more from Michael over the coming weeks and months. If you would like to create portraits similar to Michael’s, why not head over to our website. Take a look at the courses we have available. If you have some drawing experience you can enroll straight on the portraiture course. If you feel you are more of beginner, why not take a beginners drawing or painting course to get you started. Whichever you choose we wish you the best of luck on your art journey.


Portraits in Pencil and Oil

Portraits in Pencil and Acrylic

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