Welcome to our most recent results for our weekend art challenge where we set our students the task to create a piece of artwork using the letter B. It could be in any medium or style, just as long as the subject began with the letter B.
We have been sent so many amazing paintings and drawings for this challenge, it really has been a popular one. Scroll below to see how much time and care our students have spent on their artwork for this challenge. We are amazed at the quality. We feel that it the challenges are helping to improve our students creativity, observational skills, knowledge about the materials used and also being able to start and finish a piece within a short space of time. Not to mention the courage to post and share work with us!
Keep up the amazing work everyone, another challenge will follow soon!

Kathrin Wilfong

Catherine Thompson

Lisa Norman


Marianne Tatschner


Ainsley Bloomfield


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