Welcome to the results of our latest weekend art challenge! We set our students the task of creating a piece of artwork starting with the letter A. It could have been on any topic or subject as long as it started with A. Students could have chosen a number of different objects like apples, avocados, asparagus, astronauts, aeroplanes and Arks!
There are so many ingenious and creative paintings and drawings below, our students really put their thinking caps on for this one. Its so lovely to see a wide variety of subjects, scroll down and see if you can work out the word for each piece of artwork before reading the students description below them.
We hope you enjoy viewing them and we also hope that our students have all enjoyed taking part. Stay tuned as another challenge will be along tomorrow…!



I`ve used fine liner pen, oil pastel, graphite and acrylic for background.


Paula Monaghan

Andi Bettinson

Nina Phillips

Justin Robinson

Lowri Tollman

Emma Miller

Angela Chalmers
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