Welcome to our latest results for our challenge Pop Art Portraits. This wasn’t the easiest of challenges, it definitely made our students think about the style of portrait they wanted to achieve along with the subject matter too. We have received a lovely variety of pop art style portraits here and we hope you enjoy viewing them. We also hope that it encourages you to try this subject and idea out yourselves.
Our featured image this week is by London Art College student Mirela Druta. If you scroll down to the bottom of the blog post you will be able to see Mirela’s artwork in full. The amount of thought and detail that has gone into this piece is superb. The only digital artwork piece submitted from our students this week, it was an excellent medium to use for this challenge.
All of the pieces submitted are excellent and so a huge well done to all of our students who took part. Even if you took part at home and didn’t submit your work to be included here, well done to you too. Completing these weekly challenges really does help you progress as an artist. It makes you think outside the box, makes you create artwork and subjects you may not normally try and allows your creativity to flow. Ultimately it will help you speed ahead with your skills for your chosen subjects, mediums and career path if you have one.
Stay tuned for our next challenge coming tomorrow! We cant wait to see your artwork next week!


Catherine Thompson

Nina Phillips

Kerrie Muir

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